
Judicial group targets 'antisemite' Biden nominee with alleged ties to terrorist sympathizers

 Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), a conservative judicial advocacy organization based in the nation's capital, is running a digital ad campaign against one of President Biden's controversial nominees for his alleged ties to 9/11 hijackers supporters.

JCN's advertising campaign – Pennsylvania, Montana and Washington, D.C. It plans to run in the U.S. — it involves an initial buyout of $50,000 and is specifically targeted at Adeel Abdullah Mangi, who was recently nominated by Biden to be a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals. Third Circuit.

The ads appearing in Pennsylvania and Montana urge Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Bob Casey, D-Pa., to vote "no" on Mangi's nomination for a lifetime appointment to a federal court and judicial nominees. Accuse on. An "anti-Semite" who is too "extremist".

"President Biden wants to rebuild the courts with the most extreme judges," the narrator in the ad says. “But anti-Semite Adil Mangi may be the worst.”

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The ad highlights Mangi's tenure as a member of the advisory board of the Center for Security, Race, and Rights at Rutgers Law School from 2019 to 2023.

JCN said Mangi is affiliated with an "extremist organization" that "teaches students to hate Israel, hate America, and support global terrorism."

The narrator continues, "Mangi's organization blames the US for the September 11 terrorist attacks and has hosted speakers with terrorist connections, including a convicted terrorist." "Mangi's organization also blamed Israel for Hamas' terrorist attack on October 7. When Mangi was given the opportunity to condemn these despicable views, he refused to do so."

JCN President Cary Severino criticized Mangi's ties to a "radical, anti-Semitic group" in a statement to Fox News Digital.

"It's bad enough that President Biden has appointed activist judges who can't identify key constitutional provisions and are hostile toward law enforcement. But now Biden is appointing a lawyer with ties to a radical, anti-Semitic group to a lifetime judicial bar. Want to deliver positions that blame the United States for 9/11 and teach students to hate Israel and America," she said.

"At a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise, how can supposed liberals like Senators Jon Tester and Bob Casey rubber stamp such a candidate for a lifetime term? Such an affront to the principles of our country and the Third Circuit There's no room in." The rule of law,” Severino said. “Senate Democrats should be ashamed of their support of Adeel Mangi and President Biden should immediately withdraw his nomination.”

Since being nominated, Mangi has received significant criticism from GOP lawmakers for his personal and financial affiliation with the university research center, which has been accused of giving a platform to "terrorist supporters".

Last week, Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans announced they were investigating the center's funding and asserted that its "promotion of radical ideologies" was "troubling."

"The Center's work promoting terrorist supporters and giving a platform to radical ideologies is troubling to us as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee," Republicans on the committee said in a joint statement.

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According to committee members, the Center co-sponsored an event titled "Whose Story? 20 Years Since September 11, 2001" on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Additionally, Committee members noted that the Center had hosted an event titled "Psychoanalysis under Occupation: Practicing Resistance in Palestine" on October 7, three days after the massacre of Israelis by Hamas terrorists. According to the committee, Center faculty affiliate Dr. Lara Sheehy opened the conversation by saying, "Zionist settler colonialism is a structure that is inciting."

The Center also organized an event titled "The West, Israel and Settler Colonization of Palestine" in December 2023 with Professor Joseph Massad, who in an article lauded the October 7 massacre in "enthusiastic" terms, which was a reference to Hamas. It was published a day after the attack on Israel.

Massad wrote at the time, "No less horrifying were the scenes witnessed by millions of cheering Arabs, who spent the day watching the news, as Palestinian fighters from Gaza breached the Israeli prison fence or slipped over it by air. ...No less surprising was the capture of some of Israel's colonial soldiers and officers in their underwear while they slept."

Mangi's nomination and affiliation with the Center has also raised concerns among the 10 House Republicans who represent the districts over which the Third Circuit Court of Appeals presides.

Chief Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., and nine of his colleagues from Pennsylvania and New Jersey expressed "serious concerns" over Mangy's nomination in a letter to Biden last month.

"The center has a deep history of promoting anti-Semitic speech, terrorist propaganda, and anti-American rhetoric," the lawmakers said in the letter.

"During her tenure as a board member, the Center supported efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel by emphasizing the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and calling for resistance in Palestine," they wrote. "In 2021, the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey said that one of the center's events was intended to 'delegitimize Israel and push their anti-Semitic agenda into mainstream discourse.' The Jewish News Center, among other organizations, labeled the 2021 Center event a 'pro-Hamas' and 'terrorist-elimination webinar.'"

Like their Senate colleagues, GOP House lawmakers also said the Center has a record of being sympathetic to radical terrorist organizations and pointed to the event marking the anniversary of 9/11.

PlaceholderRepublicans informed the President that Sami al-Erian, a convicted criminal who has provided support to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), was a featured speaker. In the program, Al-Arian blamed the US and its support of Israel for the 9/11 attacks.

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"As your administration is aware, PIJ is a foreign terrorist organization and was involved in atrocities committed against Israel on October 7, 2023," he wrote.

The MPs argued that "While Mr Maingi's affiliation with and financial support for the Center is cause for concern, we also find it deeply troubling that he has failed to condemn the Center and its radical ideology."

He said, "On several occasions before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Mr. Mangi was given ample opportunity to denounce examples of anti-Semitic rhetoric supported by the Center." "He failed to do so each time in his written responses and oral testimony to the committee."

Mangi was voted out of the committee on an 11-10 party-line vote. His nomination now awaits a vote by the full Senate.

Last month, White House spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital that "President Biden is very proud" to nominate Mangy, calling her "an undeniably qualified and experienced lawyer who has lived the American dream." And are dedicated to our Constitution and governance." Law."

He called the Republicans' criticisms a "vile, unconscionable slander", noting that he "has been defamed by the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, and the American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, among many others."

Bates also accused GOP lawmakers of applying a "religious litmus test" to target Mangi for his Muslim faith — something he said the Constitution "prohibits."

Mangi, a New Jersey resident and partner at the law firm Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler, has been praised by Democrats for possibly being the country's first Muslim American federal appellate judge.

D-N.J. "Mangi is an extraordinary figure on New Jersey's legal scene. It speaks volumes that his exceptional legal abilities are only surpassed by his character and unwavering commitment to fairness in the administration of justice," said Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey. A statement last month.

The Coalition for Jewish Values, the Zionist Organization of America, Americans Against Anti-Semitism and others have opposed Mangi's nomination.

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