
Striking Vintage Thanksgiving Photos From The Past Century

 Ladies and gentlemen, history buffs, and lovers of all things festive, get ready to embark on a delightful journey back in time as we present a captivating slideshow gallery filled with the spirit of Thanksgiving from the early 20th century. Unveiling! 

Step into a bygone era and relive the magic of years gone by as we unearth a treasure trove of vintage snapshots that capture the essence of Thanksgiving better than ever. From the humble beginnings of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, to whimsical floats and gravity-defying giant balloons, to heartwarming scenes of presidents pardoning lucky turkeys, these images capture long-held memories and traditions. Has happened.

Marvel at the fashion and style of days gone by, when families gathered around the table to share hearty Thanksgiving feasts, their smiles and laughter preserved in black and white. You may not have lived during the early 20th century, but these adorable photos will transport you to a time when gratitude, togetherness, and the joys of the holiday season took center stage.

Are you ready to take a step back in time and dive into early 20th century Thanksgiving memories? So let's keep scrolling and discover the beauty of a holiday that has warmed hearts and filled bellies for over a century. 

A beautiful, simple stove, and at this point one that looks exactly like a naked turkey, delivers Thanksgiving dinner to a lucky family in the 1930s.

This diverse group of kids performs at their school's Thanksgiving pageant in the late 70s.

Only vaguely menacing, Popeye has been a staple of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade ever since the character came into existence. Giant balloons weren't always a part of the Macy's Day Parade festivities, but once they arrived, the department store's kid-friendly branding was solidified.

While "Thanksgiving masking" was a tradition held primarily in New York City, candy stores across the country began selling costumes, and the beginnings of Halloween marketing began to rear their heads. The "ragamuffin" character became so common that Thanksgiving was sometimes called "Ragamuffin Day".

Apples were a staple food for Thanksgiving in the early 20th century, and very few photographs reflect that fact more than this one. An elegant dinner given by three men, in which the largest plate contained apples, shows why this actual article only has pictures of so many people holding apples.

Taking place approximately 17 minutes before any Thanksgiving dinner, it's something every American can relate to. It's just sitting there. It's very close, but no cigars (but first, maybe cigars, but definitely no turkey).

Outdoor markets are still very common in New York, but you'll be hard-pressed to see a fully cooked turkey, unrefrigerated, being sold on the streets these days.

A little five-year-old boy named Nicky enjoys a turkey leg like a big boy while he sits at a windowsill overlooking the stairs as clothes are drying from hangers around town. Army nursery.

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