
Warning for Biden admin as Europe swings to the right and unfettered migration threatens Western values

 The shift to the political right in Europe is having an impact on the US, fueled by unabated mass migration and recent protests
Firebrand politician Geert Wilders' surprise election victory in the Netherlands in late November has prompted a political sea change that could transform the European political landscape.

Wilders, the so-called Dutch Donald Trump, wants to form a coalition to rule the northern European country of about 18 million people.

Fox News Digital spoke with several experts who noted that Wilders, 60,'s election victory has thrust the hot issues of unfettered mass migration, open borders, crime and terrorism into larger American and European conversations.

"It's very clear on both sides of the Atlantic, the issue of mass migration is a big election issue. And I would say the political developments in Europe and the overwhelming rejection of the open-door approach are a clear warning sign for Joe Biden." The 2024 presidential election,” Nile Gardiner, director of the Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, told Fox News Digital.

Far-right firebrand Geert Wilders wins election in Netherlands: 'Dutch Donald Trump'

"The No. 1 issue for the U.S. election is inflation and cost of living, immigration is very high for voters there. The European election will trouble Biden a lot," Gardiner said.

"As we saw with Geert Wilders' landslide election victory in the Netherlands, there is a political earthquake happening across Western Europe at the moment," Gardiner said. “Wilders' victory is a real game changer. The election was about mass migration to one of the most important countries in Europe.

"Wilders stands on a platform of opposing mass migration to the Netherlands, and he also stands against the increasing Islamization of Europe. Voters increasingly oppose open borders, mass migration and the rise of Islamic ideology in their society. Are being rejected."

Before Wilders' victory, Fox News Digital reported that some European politicians expressed surprise and growing concern about the widespread presence of radical Islamists at anti-Israel rallies.

In 2017, Wilders argued that he wanted to "de-Islamize" the Netherlands. With the October 7 massacre of 1,200 people, including more than 30 Americans, by the Islamist Hamas organization in Israel, attitudes toward Wilders and his People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (PVV) in the Netherlands improved dramatically.

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Writing in the conservative British Spectator magazine, Freddie Gray said, "But on October 7, the day Hamas attacked, his... party polled 12 percent. Over the entire month of October, that support more than doubled." Done."

"What changed? Well, there were huge pro-Palestine protests in Holland. 20,000 people marched in Amsterdam on October 14. Like Britain, the biggest news last month in Holland was the huge number of people willing to take .Wave flags in the streets to show solidarity with Palestinians and curse their government for its unwillingness to condemn Israeli aggression.''

Gardiner's analysis echoed Gray's points, saying, "The horrific massacre in Israel had a chilling effect in Europe. If European governments do not act a barbaric terrorist attack in Israel could happen on European soil. Awareness is increasing."

"If Israel does not defeat Hamas, Hamas will repeat throughout Europe what it did to Israel. Hamas not only hates Israel, but also hates Western civilization. ... Wilders' victory will come to Europe. It's the shape of things."

There are some important signs that parts of Europe are moving toward a more conservative political culture. Italy's right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni surprised many with her election victory last year.

Meloni has called on the EU to establish a naval blockade in the Mediterranean Sea to stop the influx of migrants. He warned that "the future of Europe" is at stake.

After eight years of socialist government in Sweden and amid reports of rising crime and failed integration among Muslim immigrants, Swedish voters opted for a change in right-wing coalition government.

Caroline Glick, a former adjunct American-Israeli commentator, said, "A steadily increasing proportion of voters see uncontrolled immigration from Muslim countries in particular, but also from non-Western states more broadly, as a cause of the degradation of their societies." Sees it as." Foreign advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Immigrants commit the majority of violent crimes. They are on their way to bankrupting welfare agencies and are seen as destroying public education for children from native European families."

He said that the political movement of the conservative right in Europe is "driven by the feeling that governments of the left, animated largely by a post-nationalist worldview, have proven incapable of meeting the basic needs of their societies, first and foremost Most important is personal security, but it also includes adequate education and economic opportunity."

Gardiner and Glick both said that massive Muslim mass protests against the Jewish state, which have engulfed several European capitals from London to Paris and Berlin, are fueling anti-Semitism.

Gardiner said, "This has increased anti-Semitism in Europe and created a culture of fear. It underlines the failure of the multiculturalism that was also promoted in the Netherlands."

1 comment:

  1. lol lol oh look its the return of the "evil islamists".


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