
Decades in Review: A Photographic History Journey

 You've heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but pictures like the ones in the collection here have a lot of stories to tell. These photographs give an insight into what life was like in such disparate eras as the 18th century and the 1970s. You'll see what life was like for a child in America during the Baby Boom, and how Native Americans lived long before the modern metropolis existed. These rare historical finds are not only informative, but they also offer a fun look at a time long gone, and probably a time you wish you could go back to. Be prepared to be surprised and read on!

Now here's something you don't see every day – or even every thousand years. In 2011 this mask was discovered by archaeologists beneath the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico. This mask, which was found along with a range of other collectible objects, is believed to have been placed beneath the pyramid as an offering to the gods at the beginning of construction. While this mask was found in the Pyramid of the Sun, bones and other human remains were found buried at the base of the Pyramid of the Moon. It makes you wonder if there's something as fascinating as this thing at the base of each pyramid.

Have you ever looked at a giant statue and wondered if there was something inside it, Kinder Egg style? While not every statue in the world is filled with the mummified remains of a monk, cleric, or even just plain old person, this 12th-century Buddha statue is the exception to the rule. When the statue was brought to the Drents Museum at the Meander Medical Center in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, a CT scan revealed the mummified remains of a Buddhist master of the Chinese meditation school known as Liuquan. Researchers found that the Buddhist monk's body parts had been replaced with pieces of paper written in Chinese before mummification.

July 5, 1924, was not a good day for Babe Ruth. During a game between the Yankees and Senators at Griffith Stadium in Washington, Bambino collided with a concrete wall while attempting to make a catch and was unconscious for five tense minutes. While he was surrounded by players on both sides of the field, the team doctor poured water on his face in an attempt to revive him. After waking up, Ruth gets back into the game, which is all you could do in 1924. After his accident he had two more hits and played part of the second game of a doubleheader.

Laurel and Hardy were one of the most important comedy duos of the 20th century. Not only were they one of the few performers who transitioned well from vaudeville to the screen, but their careers spanned decades and the two lived together well into old age. The Dees lived together for decades, their relationship initially commercial. It wasn't until their final tours that they became close to each other and truly became friends. By the time Hardy was at the end of his life, he had lost over a hundred pounds, abandoning his classic rotund look, although he said he couldn't do anything about his disease, so it didn't bother him. .

Is there a phrase in the English language that translates as "You don't get any hot dogs?" As in devastating? Today we have become accustomed to eateries and restaurants owned by large corporations that have established reputations, but in the 1940s and 50s the people who worked in eateries were often either the owners of their places of business or longtime employees. , and they didn't want to tolerate a bunch of jerks ruining their day. This sign is one of many posted in the United States to tell customers to seek food elsewhere if they make a mistake or get out of control.

1 comment:

  1. Hotdog 5 cents. Man I miss America being run by Christians.


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