
'RAPE' HORROR Four schoolboys, aged 12 to 14, arrested over ‘rape’ in Morrisons car park accused of sexually assaulting a SECOND girl

 Four schoolboys arrested after the alleged rape have been accused of sexually assaulting another girl.

The horror is said to have unfolded in a Rochdale Morrison car park at the weekend.

The boys, aged between 12 and 14, were arrested on Sunday after a "girl" was attacked.

Police said today they are now investigating a second attack on a schoolgirl on the same night.

Greater Manchester Police said officers were dispatched to the Newbold supermarket car park at around 6pm on Saturday.

Police immediately cordoned off the area, after which a blue tent was seen inside the cordon within a few hours.

The next day four boys, a 12 and 13-year-old and two 14-year-olds, were taken into custody – where they remained until this morning.

The force said this evening that the boys had been released on bail, while the two victims were being "guarded".

Detective Superintendent Phil Key said; “As with all investigations of sexual crimes, the victims remain our priority, and we have dedicated specialist resources to support them and their families as the investigation progresses.

“We understand that an incident like this will undoubtedly cause concern for the community.

“That is why we continue to have an increased visible presence in the area for reassurance, working with key partner agencies as well as additional resources from our specialist operations branch patrolling local transport hubs and networks.

“I would encourage anyone with concerns to speak to them.

“The four suspects arrested over the weekend have been granted bail with strict conditions. We are liaising with the CPS to ensure that the investigation progresses towards prosecution. I can assure the victims and our communities that achieving justice is our priority.

“In order not to prejudice the possibility of justice in this case, I would continue to ask the public to refrain from speculating on social media about the names of the victims and the suspects involved. According to the law, they are all entitled to remain anonymous.

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