
House, Senate GOP to roll out bill to block biological men from participating in US Olympic events for females

 Fox News Digital has learned that Republican Representative Greg Steube and Senator Tommy Tuberville will introduce a bicameral bill that would bar biological males from participating in any U.S. Olympic Committee events for women.

The Protection of Women in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act would prohibit any governing body recognized by the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) from allowing biological males to participate in any women's athletic event.

The bill, obtained by Fox News Digital, defines a woman as "a person who has, had, would have — or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident — a reproductive system that at some point produces , transports, and uses eggs to fertilize."

The bill defines a male as "a person who has, has, would have – or would have, but for some developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident – a reproductive system that at some point produces sperm for fertilization, transport and uses."

The bill "prohibits a person whose sex is male from participating in an amateur athletic competition that is designated for women, ladies, or girls."

"Congress should not take legislative action to prevent biological men from beating women for championship titles," Stubbe told Fox News Digital. "Due to the illogical USA Boxing transgender policy, I introduced legislation to prevent delusional organizations from being recognized by the US Olympic Committee."

Stubbe, who will introduce the House version of the bill Thursday morning, said, "We must combat the erasure of women's sports by standing up for truth, reality, safety and fairness."

Tuberville, R-Ala., will also introduce a companion bill in the Senate on Thursday.

"It's very disturbing to see that USA Boxing has changed its policy to allow men to box against women," Tuberville told Fox News Digital. "Men should not be competing in women's sports at any level – and especially not in a sport like boxing. Whether in Little League or the Olympics, it's unsafe, it's unfair and it's just wrong.

"This bill will ensure that the Olympics are fair to American women who train their entire lives to represent our country on the world stage."

The bill comes after USA Boxing announced its new policy stating that both transgender men and women are allowed to compete in bisexual divisions. The requirements to compete in each category include:

A declaration by the athlete that their gender is male or female, and that they have completed gender surgery accordingly.

The athlete in question has completed quarterly hormone testing for at least four years following surgery.

For transgender female competitors, the athlete must demonstrate testosterone levels below 5 nmol/L for at least 48 months prior to first competition.

For transgender men, testosterone levels must be maintained at a level above 10 nmol/L during the period of the competitor's eligibility to compete in the male category.

USA Boxing is the latest sports organization to make allowances for transgender competitors to compete in divisions based on the gender they identify with. The policy becomes effective from January 1, 2024, after the rules were first drafted in August 2022.

The House version of the bill is cosponsored by Republican Representatives Harriet Hageman of Wyoming, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Randy Weber of Texas, Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, Paul Gosar of Arizona, William Timmons of South Carolina, Erin Houchin. of Indiana, Neal Dunn of Florida, Doug LaMalfa of California and Brian Babin of Texas.

Last year, Steube also sponsored the Protecting Women and Girls in Sports Act. The legislation passed the US House on April 20, 2023 and is awaiting a vote in the US Senate.

This bill provides fair opportunities for women and girls in sports by ensuring that school athletics comply with Title IX recognition of an individual's reproductive biology and genetics at birth. This bill ensures that biological women compete against other biological women in women's sports that are conducted, sponsored, or facilitated by a recipient of federal funding.

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