
Black male voters tell MSNBC why Trump appeals to them: 'We're broke with Biden... with Trump, we had money'

 A group of Black people spoke to MSNBC on Friday about why former President Trump appeals to them more than President Biden ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

MSNBC correspondent Trimaine Lee met with voters at a barbershop in Charleston, South Carolina, and asked them what "appeal" Trump had among their demographic versus the Democrat incumbent.

Many immediately responded, "Money."

Voter Anthony Freeman said, "Donald Trump's image is that of a man with money."

"I just think that Donald Trump, despite all the craziness in his mind, reading some of the business he talks about, I can agree with him," fellow voter Thomas Murray told MSNBC. "Because I'm trying to grow my business."

"As far as Biden goes, I haven't really seen Biden care that much about business. And my concern is about my business so that I can create generational wealth for my children to see and when I'm no longer here." Let them have something to do," he added.

Juston Brown, another voter in the focus group, said that people "admire the individuality" and "want to be like them."

Brown explained, "They want to enjoy the benefits he has. It seems like he's always been able to break the rules."

When asked if there were people in his "class" who were either voting for Trump or considering voting for him. Kinard Givens replied, "Sure."

Givens said, "A lot of my friends are obviously my age, so we're a little younger. We've only voted for president once, and Trump is all we know." "They say, 'Okay, we broke with Biden. We didn't break with Trump.' And that's the only thing I hear over and over again...With Trump, we had money. OK, OK, I hear you guys. But personally, morally I couldn't see myself."

Lee ended the segment by telling MSNBC's Katy Tur that there were "three buckets" of voters among black men in South Carolina.

"Those who are planning to vote for Joe Biden again, even if they're not excited, those who are considering voting for Donald Trump and those who are, we'll all sit down together and process," Lee said. Will come out of." ,

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