
Vintage Robots: Revisiting the Early Robots of the 20th Century via Old Photos

The 20th century witnessed an important period of development in the field of robotics, ushering in a transformative era of technological progress.

It begins with the word itself, which Czech playwright Karel Čapek used in his play "R.U.R." Was coined in. (Rossam's Universal Robots) in 1920, this century saw the conception and subsequent development of a wide range of robotic technologies.

In 1927, the film "Metropolis" featured the iconic robot Maria, a symbolic representation of the era's imaginative exploration of human-like machines.

During this period, a British inventor named Charles Lawson introduced a robot named "Superman Dennis", capable of various tasks, standing as a testament to the pioneering spirit of the era.

However, technological advances did not allow robotics to make significant advances until the latter half of the century.

The 1950s saw the development of the first industrial robots, which were designed to complete repetitive tasks in controlled environments.

These early industrial robots laid the groundwork for automation in manufacturing, an important step towards modern robotics.

As computing technology advanced, so did the capabilities of robots. In the 1960s and 1970s, researchers such as Shakey the robot, developed at the Stanford Research Institute, began to explore the field of artificial intelligence and autonomous navigation.

Yasutaro Mitsui's Steel Humanoid Robot is an important early example of a Japanese robot in human-like form.

A photograph of the robot appears in the 1993 book "Nihon Roboto Sōseki 1920–1938" by Haruki Inoue.

The robot's visible electrical parts and valves appear to be more for show, influenced by Wensley's Televox images earlier.

This type of design, where the internal workings are exposed, has become a common feature in Japanese robot and toy design.

When we examine Mitsui's robot closely, it does not seem to move much. It does not have wheels on its feet and the shape of its feet shows that it cannot walk.

There are markings on the upper legs indicating possible bending action, which makes sense given Japanese culture.

The fingers and neck do not bend, and the arms can only extend upward at the shoulders and rotate at the elbow. We can also see a power cord leading to its left leg.

According to Antonio Gual of Barcelona: During the 1950s, my father, Antonio Gual Segura, and his colleagues at the local radio station, Radio Vilafranca, conducted a collaborative effort to design and produce a remarkable composition called "El Chispas" (translated Did. "Sparks")

This ingenious creation boasts the ability to move its arms, engage in speech, and has a window located in its center that reveals captivating sparks.

The introduction of "El Chispas" during that particular year's fiesta Fiesta Mayor caused quite a sensation, leaving a lasting impression on the attendees.

In 1939, British inventor Charles Lawson created "Superman Dennis", a 7-foot-tall robot.

This robot claims to do many tasks like controlling traffic, singing songs, lighting up and smoking cigarettes, sitting or standing.

Despite limited details, it highlighted the creative spirit of its time, showing how machines could mimic human actions and contribute to a variety of tasks.

The year is 1961 and Hughes Aircraft Electronic Labs was ready to revolutionize the world with Mobot the Magnificent Mobile Robot.

The Mobot was a little bigger than several refrigerators put together and this mechanical marvel was supposed to automate every important task in your life, like doing your nails, zipping up your dress and combing your hair while looking at yourself in the mirror. To help you.

The word 'mobot' is a combination of "mobile" and "robot", reflecting its function as a mobile robotic system. The aim of this project was to explore and advance the capabilities of autonomous mobile robots.

The 'Mobot' project was initiated to develop a robot that could navigate and function autonomously.

It was designed to demonstrate the potential of robotics in various applications, such as surveillance, exploration and possibly tasks in hazardous environments.

The project will likely involve adding sensors, computing systems and algorithms to enable robots to sense their environment, make decisions and navigate without direct human control.

Before NASA launched people to walk on the Moon, the space agency turned to an almost human-like robot to test prototype spacesuits for its astronauts.

A hydraulically-powered android could also work – if it didn't have a tendency to leak oil while in use. The so-called "Power Driven Articulated Dummy" project ran from May 22, 1963 to July 31, 1965.

Built by the IIT Research Institute in Chicago, the robot can be used to simulate 35 basic human activities.

It was equipped with sensors at each joint to measure the forces exerted on the human body by the pressurized spacesuit.

The robot dummy's movements were enabled by hydraulic actuators driven by oil flowing through a nylon-tube circulation system.

1 comment:

  1. Before NASA launched people to walk on the Moon, they were busy concocting more outlandish lies for the gullible Sheeple to yet believe in. They even thought up Hoax-19.


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