
Rare Discoveries Show A Different Side To History Than We Already Know

Forget what you learned in history books. Often they tell only one side of a nuanced story. The rare finds collected here show an aspect of history that we rarely get to see. They peel back the layers of the stories we think we know to reveal little-known facts that make history more fascinating. If you're ready to see a different side of history than what you already know, click ahead...the truth is waiting for you!

The Prague Astronomical Clock is one of the oldest fully functional astronomical clocks in the world, meaning that in addition to telling the time it also displays information about the Sun, Moon, zodiac signs, and even other planets in some cases. Is. The astronomical clock in Prague is known as the Orloj and had to be built with several layers to provide the time and location of celestial bodies. The main face of the clock features time glyphs that show ancient Czech time as well as a set of Roman numerals that show 24-hour time.

The face is painted in different shades of blue and red representing different parts of the day from sunrise to sunset and even when it is just night. The Earth sits in the center of the dial.

What a Way to Go. On October 9, 1911, a giant of the American liquor industry was taken down from his own vault in Lynchburg, Tennessee. The safe did not fall on him and he did not try to explode it with dynamite, which had the opposite effect, but he was trying to handle some paperwork left inside the safe. Without the combination Daniel started kicking it, which of course did nothing but cause a nasty infection on his big toe. The infection became gangrenous and spread throughout his body, and fortunately he had time to hand over his business to his favorite nephew, Lem Motlow, before dying from complications due to the infection.

We don't usually think of chainsaws as precision cutting tools, but for Estonian artist Igor Loskuto it's one of his most prized possessions. As a part of the Husqvarna Chainsaw Sculpture Team he travels across Europe showcasing his unique skills. This impressive dragon bench was carved with its head and tail exactly where you were supposed to sit, showing an outstanding amount of precision and grace. This bench was awarded top honors at the 2015 HuskyCup World Title, an award for which Loscuto is clearly deserving. In 2017 he began building a similar bench, but used contrasting woods to get the rustic effect.

First patented in 1936, the Keaton Music Typewriter originally had 14 keys, but by the 1950s it was updated to provide 33 keys. This typewriter employed a boy placing a sheet of paper under the typing mechanism before the notation maker began typing. Although these may seem complicated, in reality these musical typewriters made it somewhat easier to write sheet music, but it was possible that whoever was typing had to work very carefully as long as they were comfortable with the paper. Didn't want to start again with a new sheet. The musical typewriter has three space keys that allow the user to move the typehead through different units for different purposes.

War zone doctors are never in the right place to perform their operations. They go to work under extreme pressure and usually with only a few tools. This goes double for a medical professional during a civil war. Physicians at this time not only had to work with very limited amounts of supplies and medicine, but they were working during one of the bloodiest conflicts ever known. This photo shows a well-stocked medical kit, but it is likely that while in the field a medic had to make do with whatever they had, hoping to find a cure for the patient they were operating on. There was enough brandy for that, if not the process would certainly be painful.

The first responders to the attacks on the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001 were the first to attack in the early morning chaos and confusion, and many did not survive. A piece of equipment stands as a monument to his courage; Ladder 3. This truck was driven by Captain Patrick Brown and the firefighters, and he lost his life when the front of the truck in the North Tower collapsed, meeting a similar fate. Due to the collapse of the building, the front part of the truck was torn off, leaving it reduced to debris. After the area was cleaned, the truck was placed in a hangar at JFK International Airport before being moved to the Memorial Museum in 2011.

The craftsmanship of this ax is truly inspiring and it reminds us of the days when blacksmiths used to spend all their time working on tools as if they were pieces of art. This short-handled ax had a variety of uses, whether for chopping or throwing, although this ornate object was probably for decoration more than anything else. Can you imagine carrying something so beautiful into battle and throwing it at your enemy? You will never get it back. However if you were going to use it, you would probably use it in close combat. Still, there has to be a better tool for that job.

Giant Olmec head sculptures are some of the most recognizable pieces of tribal art in the world. Found near San Lorenzo and La Venta, the Olmec heads provide a little information about a group of people about whom researchers don't know much. These statues not only represent the distinctive characteristics of their people, but they must have taken a lot of manpower to create. Hand-carved sculptures from a single basalt boulder, which in some cases were transported 100 km or more to their final destination, it is difficult to understand how they could have been transported, let alone cut to size. Leave.

This charming Art Deco necklace was created in 1905 by Georges Fouquet, a French jewelry designer known for his intricate creations. After joining his father in the jewelery business in the 19th century he opened his own shop in the 1900s, where he specialized in Art Nouveau necklaces, as shown here. His jewelery is considered much more than a fashion statement, and much of his work can be seen in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City as well as the Petit Palais in Paris, France. A reconstruction of his shop can be seen in the Carnavalet Museum in Paris

The carving of this magnificent wooden box is so intricate that it is mind boggling. Every detail is perfect, each piece looks as if it could take one's entire lifetime to complete. Researchers believe that such box carvings were intended to be used as status symbols by the extremely wealthy people of Europe 500 years ago. The boxes showed religious moments from the Bible, others simply showed what life was like for different classes. Art historian Eve Kahn explained.

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