
All Of The Celebrities Who Are Publicly Supporting Joe Biden In The 2024 Presidential Election

 Lady Gaga

In this collection of actors, musicians, and general celebrities who are throwing their support behind Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, we'll highlight some notable individuals who have made their voices heard in public, recognizing the importance of their influential voices in shaping the political landscape. Has formally supported Biden's candidacy. ,

Join us on this journey as we explore the passionate advocacy and unwavering support of celebrities like Jeffrey Katzenberg, Lady Gaga, Seth MacFarlane, and Lin-Manuel Miranda. Be inspired by their commitment to progressive values, as we invite you to continue reading and learn the stories behind these celebrity endorsements. Let's learn together how their voices and actions play an important role in mobilizing support and promoting positive change.

It is highly likely that internationally acclaimed singer, actress and activist Lady Gaga will continue to support President Joe Biden in the 2024 election. Lady Gaga's strong relationship with Biden can be traced back to his time as Vice President, during which she supported the White House's campaign against sexual assault on college campuses. Lady Gaga's active involvement in Biden's 2020 presidential campaign, including campaigning with him, demonstrated her unwavering support for his candidacy. Additionally, her powerful rendition of the national anthem at Biden's inauguration in 2021 demonstrated her alignment with his vision and values. As a prominent advocate for a variety of social issues, Lady Gaga's continued support for President Biden reflects her confidence in his leadership and shared commitment to addressing important issues. His influential voice and platform could play an important role in garnering support for the president's re-election, especially among young voters.

Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen, The Boss, is expected to support President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election. The deep connection between Springsteen and Biden was made evident at a White House ceremony in 2023, where the president celebrated Springsteen's contributions to the arts. Biden presented medals to Springsteen and other individuals and groups whose work has enriched the nation's understanding of the humanities. During the ceremony, Biden playfully referenced one of Springsteen's famous songs, commenting that "some people are born to run."

lin-manuel miranda

Famous actor, musician and creator of the hit musical Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda has publicly shown his unwavering support for Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential campaign. Demonstrating his commitment to the Democratic cause, Miranda has made a significant contribution of $20,000 to Biden's campaign. Known for his passionate advocacy for social justice and his ability to inspire change through his art, Miranda recognizes Biden's dedication to these same principles.


In 2020, Beyoncé showed her support for Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris the day before the election, singing "Come Through, Texas!" Posted on his social media with messages about voting for Biden. And "The most significant fallout is at the ballot box."

Tom Hanks

Hollywood dad Tom Hanks is definitely all in for Biden in 2024. In 2022, Hanks narrated a video about the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration over the previous year. Hanks says in the video:

More jobs were created in 2021
 than in any year in the last 80 
years. Through our darkest times, 
America has always built a brighter
uture. Yes, we are brave. Brave
 enough to see the light, be the light we need 
to rebuild this country.

1 comment:

  1. Title should read, 'All the Famous Pedofiles and Degenrates Who Support Biden'.


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